Tactical equipment

Tactical equipment must meet high standards: it should be robust, versatile and functional. We offer you a large selection of different products for outdoor fans, survival enthusiasts and professionals. Whether it's clothing, bags or helmets: you're sure to find what you're looking for with us. Buy your tactical gear now!


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57 products

Stichsichere Weste aus Manganstahl prepper-store.com
Schnittfeste Selbstverteidigungskleidung: Atmungsaktiv, versteckt prepper-store.com
Ballistischer Helm Raptor FAST NIJ IIIA 3A, kugelsicher, 9 mm, 44 Mag prepper-store.com
Kugelsichere Maske / Taktisches Militärglas IIIA 20-22MM prepper-store.com
W-Ronin taktischer Sturmhelm: Kommunikations-Headset, Antibeschlag-Lüfter prepper-store.com
Handgehaltener kugelsicherer PE-Schild NIJ IIIA Level prepper-store.com
Taktischer Helmüberzug 4 style prepper-store.com
Sale priceCHF 29.95

12 colors available

Taktische Langwaffen Transporttasche prepper-store.com

4 colors available

ArmorSafe NIJ IIIA: Kugelsicherer Rucksack mit Einsatzplatte 3A kugelsichere Tasche / Grau prepper-store.com
Taktischer Militärrucksack 50L Khaki prepper-store.com
Sale priceCHF 54.95

4 colors available

Taktische Schiessunterlage - Wasserfest Camouflage / 0.75x2 m prepper-store.com

4 colors available

IDOGEAR Outdoor / Airsoft-Cap, Militär Kopfbedeckung Idogear
IDOGEAR G3-Kampfuniform mit Ellbogen- und Knieschützern Idogear

4 colors available

Tarnkleidung, Jagdkleider, 3D Mantel prepper-store.com

5 colors available

Taktischer Jagd-Tarnanzug - Jungle prepper-store.com

2 colors available

IDOGEAR Tactical LSR 9mm Magazintasche Idogear

5 colors available

IDOGEAR Doppel-Magazintasche 9mm Multicam prepper-store.com

5 colors available

IDOGEAR Taktische mehrfach Magazintasche Idogear

5 colors available

Waffenholster mit Magazintasche prepper-store.com

5 colors available

Taktisches Pistolenholster mit Klipp 1pc prepper-store.com
Sale priceFrom CHF 21.95
Robuste Munitionskiste: Leicht, luft- und wasserdicht prepper-store.com
Tarnfarben-Set / Tarnschminke für taktische Einsätze prepper-store.com
Rhino Rescue Mehrzweck-Notfalltrage Rhino Rescue
Rhino Rescue Israeli Kompression Bandage /  Emergency Bandage 6in 5pcs Rhino Rescue

High quality tactical gear for outdoors

Tactical equipment can be useful in a variety of situations. If you like spending time in nature, then you need the right equipment. When camping or hiking, appropriate clothing is essential so that you can move around in the wilderness as best as possible. This also applies if you do a survival weekend. With the right survival equipment, you can disappear between the trees and camouflage yourself as best as possible. With the right medical equipment you are also prepared for emergencies and can treat minor wounds. Last but not least, prepper equipment is also essential for crisis preparation. That's why it's worth it if you delve deeper into the topic.

taktische ausrüstung survival outdoor camping prepper store

Helmets, masks & other equipment

Our range of outdoor equipment includes various helmets that protect your head from shocks. These include, for example, theballistic helmet Raptor Fast NinjaThe model is bulletproof and meets all standards of protection class NIH IIIA. This means that you can use the helmet for a wide variety of purposes. It offers you several elements to which you can attach a helmet lamp, hearing protection or night vision device, for example. In our range you will also find theW-Ronin tactical assault helmet. It comes with an anti-fog fan and a communication headset. Such tactical helmets are also used by the military, the armed forces, the police and other authorities. You can also use them for paintball or airsoft and add them to your survival equipment. You can find more in our rangebulletproof vests,Molle, masks, helmets, caps,balaclavasand much more.

taktische ausrüstung survival outdoor camping prepper store

Vests, uniforms & backpacks

We have other outdoor equipment on offer for you. Protecting your upper body is our highest priority. Ourmilitary tactical bulletproof vestoffers you a strong layer of protection. It meets the NIJ IIA class - it is light, functional and offers you reliable protection. The vest has a stretch Velcro system and can therefore be worn discreetly. It is suitable for private individuals as security equipment and for crisis preparation. If you want to complete your survival equipment, we also recommend ourcombat uniform with elbow and knee padsThe combat suit is made of high-quality nylon and cotton material. It offers you maximum freedom of movement and strong protection at the same time. Take a look around our shop and order more survival equipment with the right accessories.

Frequently asked questions about our large selection of tactical gear & accessories